Six Reasons Why Info-Marketing
Is NOT The Best Business

Selling Physical "Real" Products

From the desk of Timothy A. Gross

Most "Internet Gurus" strongly recommend that you get into the info-marketing business.

(In other words, selling reports, ebooks, audio, video, etc., showing people how to accomplish things better.)

I assume you probably already know the main benefit of info-marketing:

* Cheap or free to deliver to customers with very high profit margins and high perceived value.

However, there are a lot of downsides as well.

Top copywriters and marketers in the world are selling info-products, and they're at the top of their game.

Here are reasons why info-marketing is not the best business:

  1. Competition - You're competing with the King Kongs of copywriting and marketing when trying to sell info-products.
  2. You're selling something people aren't looking for.

    If someone is looking for a toaster or a camcorder or new tires for their car or a better kitchen knife or a radio controlled boat or an air conditioner or a diamond ring or an oil painting or a foot fungus spray and they come to your website and you sell that product, you're halfway home.

    Prove to them they're getting a good value, that you're a reputable company, include a free bonus and promise fast shipping, and there's a good chance you'll make the sale.

  3. Takes A GREAT Sales Letter - Unlike selling a "real" product, an info-product has no real or perceived value in the minds of your prospects until you prove it to them. That means you need a long, perfectly crafted sales letter. (For a physical product, a photo and a couple paragraphs of description may be all you need.)

  4. They don't NEED an info-product, but if they NEED a physical product, they're going to buy it.

  5. Physical products can be a permanent source of income. Info-products have a relatively short shelf life, then you have to keep creating more and more info-products to sell.

  6. Info-products are time-consuming to create. Physical products are ready to be purchased/dropshipped/licensed and re-sold.

...And because a lot of people are looking for the "easy way" of selling downloadable products, it leaves an open door for you to find bigger profits selling physical non-informational products.

The only real downside of physical products is the shipping and product cost - But will less competition, you may be able to make more sales and have greater success, which makes it more than worthwhile.

Something to think about.

To your success, Tim Gross

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