The Mysterious Connection Between Harley Davidsons, Girl Scouts, And Tripling Your Sales


From Timothy A. Gross, Executive Director - Educated Media, LLC

Dear Friends & Virtual Neighbors;

I've told you previously that the "paint by numbers" approach to writing sales letters and marketing can only take you so far.

There seems to be some confusion on what I mean, so let me explain:

If you want to increase your sales conversion rate by 10%, apply some proven ad techniques.

If you want to increase sales by 20%, apply some more.

But if you want a windfall of extra profits, if you want to reinvent your approach, your offer, and your business, you're going to have to get creative.

What do I mean?..

Here are some apparently unrelated examples and then we'll connect the dots:

Example 1:

Paul has got the hots for a young lady named Jeanie who he knows hangs out at the corner pub on Friday nights socializing with her girlfriends.

Paul buys a book on relationships.

Paul spends two weeks writing down convincing arguments for why Jeannie should date him, to "wow" her with his logic.

Paul puts on his best outfit and walks up to the pub, determined to persuade her to go out with him.

As Paul approaches, some guy pulls up on a Harley Davidson, walks to Jeanie's table, smiles, and makes a quick joke. A couple of minutes later, Jeanie leaves with the guy on his Harley.

Example 2:

Every day for a week, Victor watches a man in a black suit knock on his front door holding an envelope. Every day, Victor hides silently in his house.

Is Victor insane? Nope - The guy knocking on his door is trying to serve him with a lawsuit and Victor's avoiding him.

On the 8th day, there's another knock on the door. Victor peers out suspiciously... It's a Girl Scout holding boxes of cookies, and a woman behind her who is apparently her scoutmaster or mother.

Victor opens the door.

The woman smiles and hands him a cookie box of with nothing in it but an envelope. "Consider yourself served", she says, and walks away.

What Does This Have To Do
With Making More Money?

Simply this:

The standard approach to anything will only take you so far.

If you want to date the woman (or man) of your dreams, reading books on relationships can be a good idea. Writing up lists of reasons why they should go out with you might be a good idea...

But when all is said and done, the best thing might be to buy a Harley.

If you need to serve someone with papers, it would be very commendable to put on your suit and knock on his door every day. It shows persistence. It shows a work ethic.

It also shows that you're not very creative and can't figure out that Victor is hiding on the other side of the door because he knows you're coming from a mile away.

Hiring a mother and daughter to dress up like Girl Scouts is a lot easier.

Is This Making Any Sense To You?

Trying to get someone to buy from you is like trying to get a date... Yes, you should be prepared, yes you should show off your best selling points, etc...

But you can also get a date just by flashing a winning smile, or doing something crazy, or being disarming in a puppy-dog sort of way...

Maybe your potential date doesn't want fifty bullet-points about why you're perfect for them, maybe all it takes is for you to pick up whatever just fell out of their pocket and hand it to them with a smile.

Maybe all it takes is their friend telling them you're a good guy/gal... whatever. But it's not always a linear process.

Speaking of linear, most online sales letters overall are starting to look so similar I'm starting to think there's only three or four guys writing ad copy for the entire Internet. (And I may not be too far from wrong :-)

Just like the sinister letter server in the black suit, everyone can see these things coming from a mile away.

What can you do to not have your sales letter be so obvious? How can you dress up your ad in a Girl Scout uniform and go undercover?

Can you put the Girl Scout on a Harley? Even Better! (smile)

To your success, Tim Gross

...That's it, stop reading.

...What's that, you have no idea what the heck I'm talking about?


OK, here's some ideas:

Try cutting your current sales letter in half, make brief reference to the points you're currently fixating on, and let the strong close do the work for you. You'll never know if it'll work better unless you test it. (Harley approach)

Next, test turning your sales letter into a request for help from the reader. Remove the trappings of it being an "ad", and find some legitimate reason to tell your reader that you're testing something (your offer, your new product, your customer satisfaction rating, whatever) and you'll give them something special (a Girl Scout cookie?) if they'll "answer the door" by responding.

P.S. -Yes, this issue was a little ethereal... These are concepts we're talking about, it's up to you to brainstorm how to apply them. :-)

Keep an eye out for my next issue, which will give you some shockingly simple solutions to a lot of the most frustrating "practical application" problems you've been having.

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