How To Use Subconscious Mind-Control Techniques To Manipulate Prospects Into Buying More Of Your Products

The Groundhog's Day Success System

"A Sneaky Underhanded Fail-Proof Way To Get Inside Your Customer's Brains, Dig Out Exactly What It Takes To Get Them To Buy, And Feed It To Them On A Silver Platter"

In Groundhog's Day (a great movie, by the way), Bill Murray keeps re-living the same day over and over, with the benefit of learning more every day.

He makes it his mission to have sex with Andie MacDowell and starts working at mirroring her to become more likable to her.

She says, "I always like to toast to world peace" one night, and the next night he says to her, "I'd like to make a toast... to world peace".

-And suddenly she finds him more interesting.

How To Mind-Read Your Prospects To Discover The Exact Words That Will Cause Them To Buy

It's called "mirroring", and on a superficial level it can seem manipulative, sneaky, controlling, and even offensive...

However, it can also be used by therapists, clergy, and friends (even when used subconsciously) to calm, soothe, and reassure.

In a nutshell, the concept of mirroring is based on this:

If you "mirror back" to your prospect what he/she wants using the exact language they're using, it puts you on the same wavelength... You're basically entering the dialogue that's already going on in the prospect's head.

What's That, You Say? You Don't Know How To Read Minds?

No problem - Here's a sneaky way to let your prospects reveal their own hot-buttons themselves

Here's an incredibly simple, turn-key copy-and-paste way to automatically get the actual hot-button words that will make your prospects buy... It's called Ask Database, and to try it out you can just Click Here.

Here's How It Works:

By adding their simple feedback/question/why-didn't-you-buy questionnare on an exit pop-up page, prospects will tell you exactly what their concerns are, what their questions are, and what they're looking for.

Now here's where it gets good: AskDatabase will actually compile stats on how often specific words are used by your prospects in the feedback form. In other words, your prospects will reveal their own hot-buttons to you in the feedback form, and all you have to do is mirror their language and the specific hot-buttons they use and incorporate that language into the sales letter!

You can have the feedback be anonymous (no email address required) and that's what I recommend - You'll be surprised and pleased with the number of people that respond (and their candor) when they don't have to enter their email address.

Not only does it put your feedback collection on autopilot, it also actually does a word count of all the aggregate replies you get, and lists the highest-frequency words that occur in your customers/prospects responses.

This Is Invaluable

Why? Because you can use those frequently used words to put directly into your sales letter, which means you're actually feeding your prospects' hot buttons right back at them, telling them what they want to hear - And that will increase your sales conversion rate virtually automatically.

If you don't quite follow what I mean, here are some examples. Let's say you're selling a weight loss product, and on the exit popup window you're using it says

Can you do us a favor?

Please let us know why you've chosen not to purchase our weight loss product... We're always looking to improve!

(This feedback form is anonymous, no email address is required. Thanks for the feedback!)


Now, let's say out of 50 replies you receive, a high percentage of people are saying something like,

"I've been disappointed in so many diet programs in the past, I just doubt it will work"

...The in your sales letter, you'll add something like,

"If you've been disappointed in diet programs in the past, here's great news: Our diet program succeeds for people even after repeated failures with 'other' programs. Just look at this testimonial...... (etc)

Or if you see a percentage of people saying, "I want to get down to the weight I was when I got married", and others saying "I'm desperate but I'm afraid of having weight reduction surgery because of the complications", add these bullet points:

  • Imagine being able to fit into your wedding dress again!
  • Afraid of weight loss surgery? We don't blame you! Click here to read about our customers who had the same dilemma -And successfully lost weight with our program without risky surgery.

Don't underestimate the power of what I'm showing you here. Some people may think "they're just words saying the same thing", but using your prospects' exact hot buttons and mirroring their own desires and concerns through this process can have a shocking increase in your sales conversions.

With Askdatabase's built-in features, you now have no excuse not to use this process to use subconscious mind-control techniques to manipulate your prospects into buying. Click Here to try it now.

To your success, Tim Gross

P.S. -Yes, "subconscious mind-control techniques to manipulate your prospects" sounds sneaky and underhanded, but it's not, as long as you're selling a product/service that benefits your customers. If you've got the solution to your prospects' problems, you're hurting them if you don't communicate to them effectively the benefits of you're prospect.

Mind control: Must... Buy... Now!



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